Drag Queen Story Hour UK

LGBTQ+ Youth Groups

Are you a member of the UK Pride Organisation Network? (UKPON) If so, you may be entitled to discount! Stories and literature can be used as amazing tools to provide open minds, and create connections to role models. We aim to lift up these young people and inspire them!

Ages 8 - 15

Drag Queen Story Hour UK was born to provide role models to young people who need them the most. With a book in hand, our storytellers can do just that!

Ages 12 - 18

Teenagers love to think deep and ponder the big questions in life. Our storytellers and there to make your teens ask these questions by using their imagination.

Ages 8 - 21

What was that? You need an all around activity that suits the whole group and caters to ally types of backgrounds and age gaps? We have got just the thing!